Friday, February 10, 2012

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Well we got more snow overnight.  The day shiftworkers are all saying how bad the roads are.  Aaron called and said he and Tina were coming up.  I waited  a while to see what would happen.  The doctor came and told us Mel's creatinine had gone up a bit this morning. Not what we wanted to hear. 

Mel is getting very crabby.  I understand why but there's nothing to be done about.  He keeps telling them that he is going to go home before he has surgery.  They keep telling him there is no way he can do that.  Then he wants me to make a plan of escape.  They are going to take him back to interventional radiology today to re-place the drain tube in his abdomen.

I have decided to go ahead and try to make it home.  The roads near the hospital were pretty clear by the time I left.  The highway leading to the interstate was clear except for a little slush.  I thought it would be a piece of cake.  Once I got on the interstate and just barely south of Denver, the roads were horrible.  I drove for a while, and then the check tire light came on in the car, so I pulled into a gas station to check the air in the tires.  It seemed to be fine, so I ventured back out on the interstate.  In Colorado I-25 runs north/south.  Just south of Denver there is a small town called Castle Rock.  Just south of Castle Rock there is a little town called Monument, which then leads to Colorado Springs and Pueblo was 35 miles south of Colorado Springs.  Monument hill is notoriously bad in snow storms, and it doesn't take much snow to turn it into a skating rink.  I was nervous because the farther south I went the worse the roads were and the worse the snow was, which is really weird for Colorado weather.  I decided to just keep going south, since it seemed to be a monumental task to try to get off the interstate and turn around.  I prayed all the way home.  I was relieved with Aaron called to say they had gotten there because I didn't want Mel to be alone.

I could not believe all the snow there was in Pueblo when I got home.  It was cute, my dad had made snowmen with the kids and they were so excited to show them to me.  It was so good to see them, hold them, breathe them in and to see my parents.  I took the kids and went home to check on everything.  I was so tired.  We all went to mine and Mel's room and laid in the bed with the TV on, and we all three fell asleep.  It felt to good to have the kids with me.  I had missed them so much.  They made me lay in the middle.  Daniel said I was the hot dog in the bun. 

I called the nurses when I got home, and they said Mel was noticeably agitated without me being there.  I felt so bad for leaving him, but I had to come see the kids, and I knew Aaron would be there.  So, I called Mel's room and talked to him.  He told me Aaron was there but to please hurry back.  I told him I would be there tomorrow.  I was not about to drive the interstate in the dark, and plus the sun was supposed come out in the morning, and I knew if I wanted until about 10 a.m. to leave the roads would be much better.

Deanna called me and wanted to take us to dinner.  Butch was bowling that night.  We took all the kids and went to Applebee's.  We were so proud that the kids were so good.  We had an 11-year-old, and 8-year-old, two 2-year-olds and a baby.  It was so good to see Deanna.

We went to bed as soon as we got home, probably 7:30 p.m. I was wiped out, but I set the alarm for 5:00 a.m. to call the hospital and check on Mel.  It was a new nurse, and she was very irritated with Mel.  I guess he had been very confused and agitated during the night, but I thought she was pretty cranky too.

I slept so well in my own bed and just holding my kids close and watching them sleep in their peacefulness.  At least they could rest peacefully.  I knew telling them goodbye in the morning would be no easy task.

I prayed Mel would somehow get some rest, but at least Bobby would be there first thing in the morning.

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